Saturday, June 1, 2013

Day 15: Staying Behind

The sickness did not evaporate overnight, but that's okay because it gave me a chance to think. Along the stories of King David, there's a passage that describes when some of David's men stayed behind to guard the supplies while the rest went with David to battle the Philistines. After the battle, those who fought wanted to keep the spoils for themselves while David commanded that the spoils be split evenly.

Today I stayed behind by less voluntary means. I had serious diarrhea (like 95% water diarrhea). With the counsel of the MOH RN and a few other students I elected to stay back to finish my battle with the foreign microbes in my intestines. Thus today went from a peaceful cross-cultural relations to an inter-species war. 

I also got the chance to reflect and pray today. I used a few minutes to check Facebook and my emails, but I got a lot of time with God in. I think God's been using this trip, specifically this sickness, to humble me. Throughout the trip I hadn't really been acknowledging God enough and when  I did it was a struggle. I was constantly tempted to think that I was something apart from God. Even though I didn't get to help the team put up goat fencing today, God used it to help mature me and that's equal to/ better than going out into the field. 

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