Sunday, June 2, 2013

Day 16: Party up in Part-au-Prince!

Today was a good day of chilln' with the NU team. Also, today was probably the firs day that I really appreciated Haitian culture. We went to Port-au-Prince for church, lunch, and fun.

Part of what made me appreciate Haitian culture was going to church -an American church. We went to an Non-integrated almost Baptist church in the middle of Port-au-Prince, which made me really miss the Haitian church we had gone to the past few days. They spoke English, which was refreshing and strange as over half the people there were Haitian. I felt the Pastor was really disconnected from the people as he biggest concern was the amount of trash in the bay. Haitians don't really care about trash as they have no garbage system or proper way of disposing of trash. His sermon was on Joshua 1:1-5, which is where God promises Joshua success if he follows Him.

We ate lunch at a Haitian pizza place (which was also very American themed), but the cool part was when we went to a lookout spot where we could see most of Port-au-Prince. If I had any money left I could have haggled with the vendors up there, which were a lot more high-pressure sellers than Mama-cheap-cheap (the vendor Mission of Hope allows to sell on their property).  It was a good day to realize how different Haiti is from America. 

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