Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 6: Banishing the Bad Beans

Today we presented i n a different mountain village to present and the canter couldn't make it up a hill. So we walked the rest of the way. A whole forty yards. This village also accepted us quickly and surprisingly all the kids of the village really liked Delmonte as he led them through a few spontaneous games and songs. The guy definitely has a way with children.

One of the strange quirks of Haitian culture is when it is appropriate to be naked. Apparently as long as you are either bathing or washing clothes it doesn't matter where you are. even swimming counts. A lot of the time they bath or wash clothes right next to the road or village and don't really care if who's watching.

While we gave our presentations we received a little visit from the local witch doctor. He was polite and didn't cause a scene, which apparently he did last year.

After we got back we started sorting beans for an experiment that Dr. Dirt is doing. Mostly we just threw out the bad beans.

Also, a few of our crew probably need a "strategic withdrawal" as their snapping a little easier at each other. Duane Elmer calls a "strategic withdrawal" a temporary withdrawal from the foreign culture to give yourself a break and then to re-enter. I'm hoping our problems will be fixed by some sleep and a little break from the new culture.

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