Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Day 4: Voyage into the Village (Feelin' like a monkey)

In Duane Elmer's Book, he brings up a short illustration about a monkey and a fish. The monkey notices a fish, struggling in the river. The monkey decides that he wants to help this struggling fish. At great risk to himself he goes out on a limb and after a few tries he successfully grabs the fish. After his valiant rescue the monkey notices the fish struggles at first, but finally it attains a great peace and "rests". Feeling a new burst of confidence the monkey walks off, having saved another life. 

Today I felt like that monkey. From the start, the day was set up to achieve this; neither of our professors accompanied us and even the Mission of Hope intern/guide failed to show. With just our two translators, Delmonte and Macles (Marco), we started our trek into some smaller village near Leveque... or Bercy... I forget.

We marched right into the village like the tourists we were. Our translators attempted to start up random conversations with the locals for us, while I was keenly aware of how awkward the situation was. It was like going to a zoo, but you also got to insult a bunch of people you're to trying to build a relationship with by the very way you visited. 

A lot of the adults didn't trust us at first...or at all. I completely got that. I wouldn't trust a bunch of strange rich foreigners waltzing right into a village uninvited and unwelcome. The kids seemed happy to see us and an elderly woman asked us to pray for her. After a few of the locals started asking us for money we/our translators decided it was time to head back. I hope to never visit a town in such an awkward manner again. 

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